Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Reviews > Apps > Comodo Firewall Pro

Whew. Over a week since the last blog...and I finally got Windows Live to allow my space to be public. For people who already tried to visit...sorry 'bout that. For everyone else...enjoy the riches. So, I wanna do a new section: The Download of the Week. I like to check on CNet, can kind of drag when you get bogged down, and new discoveries or old favorites are sometimes hard to dig up (not to discredit Download central.) But I thought I'd choose my personal top pick of the week, which (thanks to the lack of file hosting on Spaces Confused,) I'm going to be redirecting you to CNet's for. So: for this week, the winner is: Comodo Firewall Pro, which, although "Pro" is totally free, and, thought the little warning boxes that pop up are a bit trying, they lessen after a while, and can be turned off. CFP also includes a "Defense +," which is a low-end virus/malware scanner and protector, but still does a good job. All in all a very good product...4 stars, Comodo!

Now playing: Matchbook Romance - Monsters
via FoxyTunes

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